The vote on the ratification of the recommendation of the State Chairman’s Precinct Committee people was:
32 In favor – 102 Opposed
Hunter Rivera was elected Chairman by acclamation.
The vote for Vice Chairman was:
Gillian Smith received 94 votes
Adrienne Sandoval received 94 votes
Adam received 37 votes
Bridget received 13 votes
Based on an agreement between the two winning candidates and as a result of the tie vote, Gillian Smith shall serve as 1st Vice Chair, and Adrienne Sandoval shall serve as 2nd Vice Chair.
Eric Rinard was elected Secretary by acclamation.
For Treasurer:
118 Fred Mahe
15 Els Soxman
The bonus member results are as follows:
For State Bonus Member. The number is the votes received. The first 22 in bold were elected.
103 Fred Mahe
96 Steve Reams
94 Gillian Smith
91 Jason Maxey
91 Adrienne Sandoval
88 Perry Buck
88 Brenda Dones
87 Justin Buxman
85 Terry Degroot
85 Scott James
85 Kevin Ross
84 Julie James
80 Joe Koppes
78 Lyndsay Buxman
78 Marjorie Klein
78 Tammy Klein-Scott
71 Sandra Holloway
71 Steven Kanten
69 Kate Guden
69 Natalee Tennant
68 Bob Bergstrom
67 Sandy Figueroa
41 Adam DeRito
36 Lori Saine
32 Trent Leisy
32 Lois Rice
27 Nancy Aswege
27 Cody LeBlanc
26 Todd Smith
25 Pam Groeger
23 Pamela Smith
23 Kevin Smith
21 Vaughn Smith
19 Lynette Peppler
19 Laci Williams
18 Melanie Calderwood
18 Hana Ciembronowicz
18 Kristopher West
16 Ryan Flugaur
16 Greg Yielding
15 Mike Freeman
15 J Frank Stewart
14 Gloria Belden
14 Shawn McCombs
13 Mike Briggs
13 Molly Ford
13 Bill Hall
11 Els Soxman
9 Susan Dean
9 Paula Johnson
8 Stephanie Lewis
8 William Paulsen
8 Jackie Thomas
For CD4 Bonus Member. The number is the votes received. The first six in bold were elected
38 Fred Mahe
34 Kevin Ross
31 Kate Guden
30 Sandy Figueroa
28 Shawn McCombs
28 Natalee Tennant
10 Trent Laisy
9 Janelle Reedy
8 Gloria Belden
8 Corey Hale
2 Paula Johnson
For CD8 Bonus Member. The number is the votes received. The first 14 in bold were elected.
58 Justin Buxman
54 Adrienne Sandoval
54 Gillian Smith
53 Brenda Dones
53 Marjorie Klein
50 Lyndsay Buxman
50 Tammy Klein-Scott
48 Bob Bergstrom
46 Melanie Calderwood
44 Julie James
41 Bill Hall
39 Perry Buck
37 Mike Briggs
37 Gregory Yielding
26 Lois Rice
26 Lori Saine
24 Adam Deroito
23 Lynette Peppler
21 Cody LeBlanc
21 Todd Smith
20 Terry DeGroot
18 Kevin Smith
18 Vaughn SMith
17 Pam Groeger
15 Hana Ciembronowicz
15 Pamela Smith
13 J Frank Stewart
12 Molly Ford
11 Laci Williams
10 Ryan Flugaur
9 Bridget Holcomb
9 Jackie Thomas
7 Susan Dean
5 Els Soxman
4 Charles STaples
2 James Clemmer