The Weld County Republican Party will hold Precinct Caucuses on Saturday, March 9th at 9 AM at various locations around Weld County. Locations are still to be determined; as soon as locations are finalized, this page will be updated with locations. If you are unsure of which precinct you live in, please visit the following website to search for your precinct: https://www.sos.state.co.us/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml (For ease of finding your precinct on this page, press CTRL-F and you will be able to search the page for your precinct, if you still can not find it, please see the bottom of the page for contact information for help)
District A Locations:
Precinct 4016362101 – Grover Fire Department, 319 Chatoga Ave, Grover, CO 80729
Precinct 4016362102 – New Raymer Town Hall – 225 Co Rd 86, Raymer, CO 80742
Precinct 4016362103 – Briggsdale High School, 515 Leslie St, Briggsdale, CO 80611
District B (Including the following precincts: 4016362100, 4016362105, 4016362106, 4016362107, 4016362108, 4236362109, 4236562110, 4016562125, 4016562126) – Ault Pierce Fire Department, 16680 CO-14, Ault, CO 80610
District C (Including the following precincts: 2236562159, 4016362104, 4016562127, 4016562128, 4016562129, 4016562130, 4016562131, 4016562132, 4016562133, 4236562157, 8016362134, 8016562155, 8236562156) – New Eaton High School, 1661 Collins Street, Eaton, CO 80615
District D (Including the following precincts: 4236562111, 4236562112, 4236562113, 4236562114, 4236562115, 4236562116, 4236562117, 4236562118, 4236562119, 4236562120, 4236562121, 4236562122, 4236562123, 4236562124, 4236562158) – American Legacy Academy, 1870 Marina Dr, Windsor, CO 80550
District E (Including the following precincts: 8236462200, 8236462203, 8236462204, 8236462205, 8236462206, 8236462207, 8236462208, 8236462209, 8236462210, 8236462211, 8236462212, 8236462213, 8236462214, 8236462215, 2231962218, 8236562259, 2236462261, 2171962363, 8231962364) – Roosevelt High School, 3349 Roosevelt Pkwy, Johnstown, CO 80534
District F (Including the following precincts: 8236462202, 8231962328, 2236462260, 2171962342, 2231962355, 2231962356, 2231962357, 2231962358, 8231962327, 8231962326, 2171962340, 2171962341, 2171962334, 2171962344, 2171962343, 2171962339, 2171962338, 2171962335, 2171962336, 2171962337) – Coal Ridge Middle School, 6201 Booth Dr, Longmont, CO 80504
District G (Including the following precincts: 7253362362, 8236462201, 8231962221, 8231962223, 8231962224, 8231962225, 8231962226, 8231962227, 8231962228, 8231962229, 8231962230, 8231962231, 8231962232, 8231962233, 8231962234, 8231962323, 8231962324, 8231962325, 8234862322, 8231962359, 8231962263) – Coal Ridge Middle School, 6201 Booth Dr, Longmont, CO 80504
District H (Including the following precincts: 8134862222, 8234862217, 8234862321, 8134862312, 8134862313, 8134862314, 8134862315, 8134862316, 8134862317, 8014862304, 8014862305, 8014862306, 8014862307, 8014862308) – Fort Lupton Middle School, 201 S McKinley Ave, Fort Lupton, CO 80621
District I (Including the following precincts: 4014862301, 4014862302, 4014862303, 4016362353, 4016362354, 4016362300, 8016362329, 8014862310) – American Legion Post 180, 595 Railroad Ave, Keenesburg, CO 80643
District J (Including the following precincts: 8014862309, 8014862311, 8134862319, 8134862320, 8135062330, 8135062331, 8135062360, 8234862361, 88234862216, 8134862318) – North Valley Middle School, 300 2nd Ave, La Salle, CO 80645
District K (Including the following precincts: 8135062237, 8135062238, 8135062239, 8135062332, 8135062333, 8135062345, 8135062346, 8135062347) – Prairie Heights Middle School, 3737 65th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634
District L (Including the following precincts: 8135062235, 8135062236, 8136462241, 8136462242, 8136462243, 8136462244, 8136462264, 8016462255, 8016462256, 8016462257, 8016462258) – Greeley Family Funplex, 1501 65th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634
District M (Including the following precincts: 8135062139, 8135062140, 8135062348, 8135062349, 8135062350, 8135062351, 8135062352) – Riverside Library and Cultural Center, 3700 Golden St, Evans, CO 80620
District N (Including the following precincts: 8016462246, 8016462247, 8016462248, 8016462249, 8016462250, 8016462251, 8016462252, 8016462253, 8016462254, 8135062138, 8135062141, 8135062142, 8135062143, 8135062147) – Riverside Library and Cultural Center, 3700 Golden St, Evans, CO 80620
District O (Including the following precincts: 8016462148, 8016462149, 8016462150, 8016462151, 8016462152, 8016462153, 8016462154, 8016462155, 8014862135, 8135062136, 8135062137, 8135062144, 8135062145, 8135062146, 8136462240) – Northridge High School, 100 71st Ave, Greeley, CO 80634
County District Assembly’s will be held the following week on Saturday, March 16th, at 9 AM.
District A – Briggsdale High School, 515 Leslie St, Briggsdale, CO 80611
District B – Ault-Pierce Fire Station 2, 601 2nd St, Pierce, CO 80650
District C – New Eaton High School, 1661 Collins Street, Eaton, CO 80615
District D – American Legacy Academy, 1870 Marina Dr, Windsor, CO 80550
District E – Roosevelt High School, 3349 Roosevelt Pkwy, Johnstown, CO 80534
District F – Coal Ridge Middle School, 6201 Booth Dr, Longmont, CO 80504
District G – Coal Ridge Middle School, 6201 Booth Dr, Longmont, CO 80504
District H – Grace Bible Fellowship, 15559 County Rd 2, Brighton, CO 80603
District I – American Legion Post 180, 595 Railroad Ave, Keenesburg, CO 80643
District J – North Valley Middle School, 300 2nd Ave, La Salle, CO 80645
District K – Prairie Heights Middle School, 3737 65th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634
District L – Greeley Family Funplex, 1501 65th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634
District M – Riverside Library and Cultural Center, 3700 Golden St, Evans, CO 80620
District N – Riverside Library and Cultural Center, 3700 Golden St, Evans, CO 80620
District O – Roche Construction, 361 71st Ave, Greeley, CO 80634
County Assembly will be held on Saturday, March 23rd, at 9 AM at Northridge High School, 100 71st Ave, Greeley, CO 80634. The following Offices will be considered at the County Assembly:
County Commissioner (At-Large), County Commissioner (District 1), County Commissioner (District 3), District Attorney for the 19th Judicial District, and House District 50.
State Assembly will be held in Pueblo at the Colorado State Fair Grounds on Saturday, April 6th at 9 AM.
Other Higher District Assembly’s:
Congressional District 2 Assembly – date and location TBD
Congressional District 4 Assembly – date and location TBD
Congressional District 7 Assembly – Friday, April 5th, at the Pueblo Convention Center – Time is TBD
Congressional District 8 Assembly – Saturday, March 30th, at 9 AM at Northridge High School Greeley, CO
House District 19 Assembly – date and location TBD
House District 48 Assembly – date and location TBD
House District 50 Assembly – Saturday, March 23rd, Northridge High School, 100 71st Ave, Greeley, CO 80634. (Will be held at County Assembly)
House District 63 Assembly – Saturday, March 30th, at Sterling Middle School, 1177 Pawnee Ave, Sterling, CO 80751
House District 64 Assembly – date and location TBD
House District 65 Assembly – Tuesday, April 2nd, at 6:30 PM at Dayspring Christian Church Fort Collins, CO
Senate District 13 Assembly – date and location TBD
Senate District 17 Assembly – date and location TBD
Senate District 23 Assembly – date and location TBD
If you have any additional questions concerning Caucus and Assemblies, please reach out to your District Captain or 1st Vice Chair, Hunter Rivera @ 970-515-2157 or HBR302cool4u@hotmail.com