Exercise Your Right
It is one of the most fundamental rights of the American citizen – the Franchise – the right to vote! By voting, you are actively participating in the democratic process. Here are resources to assist you in exercising that right.
Register to Vote
To register you must:
- Be a United States Citizen
- Be at least 16 years old (16-year-olds can pre-register, and may cast a ballot in an election if they will be 18 years old on or before the date of the election).
If you have a Colorado State driver’s license or ID card issued by the Department of Revenue you may register online HERE.
If you have not been issued either a Colorado driver’s license or ID card, you may still register to vote by using the paper voter registration form.
You need to print and sign the form. Then return it by mail, fax, or email.
- Mailing Address: Weld County Elections, PO BOX 459, Greeley CO 80632
- Fax Number: 970-304-6566
- Email Address: (Return file as a signed PDF or TIFF file attachment) elections@weldgov.com
Deadline Information
- Register by mail, a voter registration drive, or a voter registration agency up to 22 days before Election Day.
- Register online HERE up to 8 days before Election Day.
- Register in person at the Weld County Election Office at 1250 H St, Greeley CO 80631, or any designated voter service and polling location up to and including Election Day.
- Your eligibility to vote will be based on the date of online registration, the postmark date, or the date you deliver the form to the county Clerk and Recorder’s office.
View or Update Your Voter Record
Track or Cure Your Ballot
Signup for BallotTrax – The BallotTrax system tracks the status of every mail-in ballot and sends a series of proactive email, text, and voice message alerts to voters notifying them where their ballot is in the election process from printed to accepted!
Election Maps
Download Election Maps from the Weld County Clerk and Recorder using the links below or use the interactive Weld County Property Portal map to view electoral district boundaries.