The story of Greg Lopez begins with a hard-working family in pursuit of the American Dream. The Lopez family did not have wealth or prestige, a father with a six-grade education who never truly learned how to read and write, and a mother with only a tenth-grade education. But they had a vision of a better life for their family and for their son, Greg. At 17, full of … [Read more...] about Greg Lopez
The Latest from the Weld GOP
Marshall Dawson – Congressional District 2
Marshall Dawson Marshall was raised on a farm in a community of 2,400 people outside of Midway, Kentucky, located between Lexington and Frankfort. Seated among rolling farmland and world-famous distilleries, the town of Midway was, and still is, an example of the quintessential American ideal where all are welcome and afforded the freedom of self-determination. Since … [Read more...] about Marshall Dawson – Congressional District 2
Yazmin Navarro – State Board of Education, CD8
Yazmin Navarro - State Board of Education, CD8 Early Inspiration, Lifelong Passion Yazmin’s dedication to education was ignited from a young age. As an immigrant child, her first encounter with a library opened a world of possibilities, guided by caring librarians and teachers. Her mother’s belief that education was the greatest legacy one could receive has been a guiding … [Read more...] about Yazmin Navarro – State Board of Education, CD8
Kristi Burton Brown – State Board of Education, CD4
Kristi Burton Brown - State Board of Education, CD4 My friends call me KBB, and I hope you will, too. My background in education started as the child of trailblazers. My parents dove headfirst into homeschooling when it had barely become legal. When I was nine years old, they planted our roots back home in Colorado, moving our family to Highlands Ranch on the night the Avs won … [Read more...] about Kristi Burton Brown – State Board of Education, CD4
Eric Rinard – CU Regent At-Large
Eric Rinard - CU Regent At-Large A lifelong Republican, Eric Rinard graduated from Denver Public Schools before earning a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at CU Boulder. Eric’s career has spanned several small technology companies on the northern front range. Married 22 years, Eric and his wife Jodi grew a family of four cherished children. They enjoy country life … [Read more...] about Eric Rinard – CU Regent At-Large