About Eric…
Eric is a design engineer for a laser research and manufacturing company in Boulder. He earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from CU Boulder and has lived in or north of Denver for most of his life. Eric and his wife Jodi own a small horse farm east of Erie, where they raise their four children.
About the Weld GOP Secretary…
Article VI, Section 5 of the Weld County Republican Central Committee bylaws says, “The Secretary shall be the chief clerical officer of the committee. He/she shall keep a complete record of all the proceedings of the committee, the Executive Committee, and perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Secretary by the committee or by the Chairman or acting Chairman. He/she shall issue and attend to the service of all notices of meetings and Committee appointments. He/she shall issue all calls for meetings of the Committee and all County assemblies or conventions. The Secretary is ultimately responsible for obtaining all necessary forms signed and filed with the Secretary of State immediately following the assembly or convention. He/she will schedule and coordinate training for District Captains and committee people as to their duties and responsibilities. The Secretary shall remain current in changes of the election laws. The Secretary shall promote the best interests of the Republican party in Weld County and exercise the best efforts to keep or develop harmony in the party.”
Learn more about the role and responsibilities of the Weld GOP Secretary by downloading our bylaws HERE.