Scott Bright – Senate District 13
Scott Bright is a conservative civic and business leader who has been devoted to the communities of Senate District 13 his entire life.
Born and raised by a single mother until turning 9 (at which time his mother married her now-husband of 43 years), Scott graduated from Pacific Union College with a Degree in Business Management and Accounting and a Minor in Religion.
Scott focused his adult life on promoting better education and childhood development, policy areas he hopes to focus on in the Legislature.
Scott has worked in his family’s early childhood education business since 1990 and is the 3rd generation owner. With 25 licensed child-care and preschool facilities and 250 incredible employees, his company provides services to over 2,000 families in Weld County.
Scott met his wife of 29 years, Cindy, in college and they have lived within the boundaries of Senate District 13 every year since. Scott and Cindy have 2 kids: Devaney is 24 and recently married and pursuing a Masters in Reproductive Technology at CSU; Chase is 20 and is attending AIMS Community College.