Ryan Armagost
Rep. Armagost brings a law enforcement and military background to the General Assembly. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. in 1995 serving in the infantry and deployed with 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit-Special Operations Capable in 1999 on a sea service deployment.
In 2001, he separated from the Marine Corps. achieving the rank of Corporal and joined the Colorado National Guard as a Military Policeman. While serving in the Guard, he deployed to Iraq in 2003 and again in 2008, and to Guantanamo Bay in 2015. He retired as a Sergeant First Class in 2017.
Rep. Armagost also served in law enforcement as a civilian. He was a Drug & Gang Crime Analyst for the Colorado Joint Counterdrug Task Force for five years before joining the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy Sheriff, serving there for nearly a decade.
He is dedicated to serving veterans and is currently on the State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee in the House and a member of numerous veterans organizations including his local VFW.