Lori Garcia Sander
Lori Garcia Sander is a common-sense conservative, former public school teacher and administrator, and lifetime resident of northern Colorado who is ready to help bring balance back to the Colorado state House and take on the far-left Democrats who control the Legislature.
From Lori:
- I’m running because we need someone conservative in the legislature who has actually worked in public schools for the past 25 years. I know from personal experience what the left-wing agenda is, and I also know how to fight it.
- I’m running because I’ve watched too many of my students’ families, teaching colleagues, and friends struggle to afford to live in Colorado. I will ensure TABOR remains in place and also work toward a practical fix to the extraordinary increases in property taxes.
- I’m running because I’m concerned about increasing crime rates in Colorado that current policies aren’t addressing to ensure safety of our citizens and families. I will work to ensure that our 2nd amendment right is preserved and law-abiding citizens’ rights are prioritized over criminals’.
- I’m running because I see the effects of the Democrat policies have on agriculture and oil & gas, two of the largest revenue-creating industries in Colorado. I will push back on unnecessary regulations and prioritize local governments’ rights to make decisions in the best interest of their constituents.
- My life has been dedicated to helping people and making my community the best it can be.
Lori has worked with a wide range of personalities over the years as a teacher and school administrator, and she has a broad background of people-skills and work and life experiences that she’ll take to the State House. She knows how important it is to build relationships to bring people to “her side” in order to attain goals. She also knows that it’s important to be a Servant Leader who listens to everyone even when she disagrees, and she’ll work to find win-win solutions for the benefit of all Coloradans. Being heard comes down to cultivating relationships, building coalitions, and finding every way we can to move the needle to the right. This can all be done WITHOUT compromising conservative principles and values.
Lori believes God puts us in a certain place for a certain amount of time to do a certain job and when our mission is done, He moves us on to a new mission. For 25 years, her mission was to serve our communities in Weld and Larimer counties as a teacher and school leader and to keep the crazy at the schoolhouse door. She helped children learn how to read, write, do math, how to treat each other and to regulate their behavior. She made a difference.
Her mission has changed now.
She’s not just looking for a job at the State House; she’s looking to make a difference in state policy.
Lori was raised in LaSalle, Colorado with one older brother and two younger sisters and she attended Valley RE-1 schools K-12. Her dad was a union carpenter in Denver and mom was a homemaker. She worked at a bank and traveled through Asia and Europe during her college years and then started her career in teaching and administration in Weld and Larimer counties. Lori is a proud public-school educator having taught Kindergarten through 12th grades (classroom and English as a Second Language) at different times in her teaching career. Additionally, she’s been an administrator at the elementary school and district levels, and she’s supervised student teachers throughout her career. She married her husband Will in 2005, and they live in Eaton where they have a 198-tree apple orchard. During good crop years, they sell apples at the local farmer’s market. Will retired from teaching 8 years ago and has a small business selling vintage auto parts. Lori and Will also own property in Red Feather Lakes that they lease for cattle grazing. They love traveling in their vintage cars and Airstream trailers with their two dogs, Angus and Harriet.