About Hunter…
Hunter Rivera is a lifelong, 2nd generation Weld County Native. Hunter has grown up and spent his entire life in Windsor. He was first exposed to politics and the Republican Party as a freshman in high school when State Senator John Cooke came to speak to Hunter’s political science class. Senator Cooke then invited the class to the State Capitol, and after that trip to the gold dome Hunter was hooked.
At 17, Hunter first served the GOP by joining the Northern Colorado Young Republicans. During the 2020 election cycle, he worked on Senator Cory Gardner’s campaign in Weld County and actively volunteered for state house and senate campaigns. Following the 2020 election, Hunter was asked to serve as newly elected State Senator Barb Kirkmeyer’s Legislative Aide at the State Capitol.
Hunter has also worked for multiple state elected officials, including Representative Mike Lynch and Representative Ryan Armagost.
In 2022, Hunter was hired by the RNC to work for the Colorado State GOP as a field organizer in CD8 and was directly responsible for volunteer recruitment, engagement, and deployment.
Today, Hunter continues to serve as a legislative aide at the State Capitol for Senator Kirkmeyer and Representative Armagost, Co-Chairman of the Colorado Federation of Young Republicans, and as the Weld GOP 1st Vice Chairman.
About the Weld County Republican First Vice Chair…
Article VI, Section 4 of the Weld County Republican Party Central Committee bylaws says, “The First Vice Chairman shall exercise the functions and duties of the Chairman during any temporary absence, temporary disability or permanent vacancy of the Chairman until a successor is duly elected and qualified. The Second Vice Chairman shall exercise the functions and duties of the First Vice Chairman in his absence or incapacity. Each Vice Chairman shall also perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Chairman or these by-laws. Each Vice Chairman shall only be entitled to cast a one-half vote as a member on such other party central committees or vacancy committees of which they are ex-officio members except when voting by proxy for another member of the central committee. The First and Second Vice Chairmen shall promote the best interests of the Republican Party in Weld County and exercise their best efforts to keep and develop harmony in the party.”
Learn more about the role and responsibilities of the First Vice Chair by downloading our bylaws HERE.