Weld Republican Party Committees
The Weld County GOP is run by several committees who come together to advance conservative principles, work to elect Republican candidates, and #KeepWeldRed! We would be honored if you would consider volunteering your time and talents. If you are interested in serving on a committee, contact Chairman Scott James.
About Weld GOP Committees
Article VII of the Weld County Republican Central Committee bylaws says that the subcommittees of the Central Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee, Standing Committees, and Temporary Committees.
Article VII, Section 2 of the bylaws defines the Executive Committee as:
- The Chair, the 1st Vice Chair, the 2nd Vice Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Weld GOP
- The Chairs of the Weld County auxiliary organizations formally recognized by the Central Committee
- The Chairs of each respective senatorial, representative, and judicial district in Weld County
- The Chairs of each of the county commissioner districts
- A representative for each countywide elected office
- District Captains shall be voting bonus members of the Executive Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws establishes seven standing committees. Article VII, Section 4 establishes Temporary Committees. Please read more about the Standing and Temporary Committees of the Weld GOP in the sections on this page.
Auditing Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws state, “There shall be an Auditing Committee, consisting of three members, who shall be chosen by the majority vote of the Weld County Republican Central Committee and responsible only to it. The Auditing Committee shall select its own Chairman. It shall audit the books of the Finance Committee and of any other office or committee of the Weld County Republican Central Committee receiving funds or paying out funds, at least once each year, and shall make its report and recommendations to the Executive Committee at interim times and to the Weld County Republican Central Committee.”
The Weld GOP’s current Audit Committee consists of Stacey Casteel, Brent Glenn, and Gillian Smith.
Finance Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws state, “The Finance Committee shall attend to all fundraising functions and efforts on behalf of the Republican party, including individual, corporate, and other solicitations. The Weld County Republican Party Treasurer will recommend finance committee members to the Executive Committee for approval and will serve as chair of the Finance Committee.”
The Weld GOP’s current Finance Committee consists of Fred Mahe, Jenn Kemp, Pam Groeger, Amber Cecil, and Frank Stewart.
Arrangements Committee
Article VII, Section3 of the bylaws state, “The Arrangements Committee shall attend to the location, furnishing and equipping of the County Republican headquarters, all meetings of the Weld County Republican Central Committee, the Party Assemblies and Conventions and any special occasions, when requested by the Chairman. Either the First Vice Chairman or the Second Vice Chairman of the County Republican Central Committee will recommend arrangements committee members to the Executive Committee for approval and will serve as chair of the Arrangements Committee.”
The Weld GOP’s current Arrangements Committee consists of 2nd Vice Chair Nila Croll (Arrangements Committee Chair), Pamela Douglas (Vice Chair), Linda Halvorson, Christine Beck, and Ashley Harrison.
Public Relations Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws state, “The Public Relations Committee shall attend to and be alert to all news and publicity matters, in order to promote the best interests and excite the best interests of and in the Republican Party, from whatever source. This committee shall strive for excellent rapport with all news media on behalf of the Republican party and maintain a record of Party activities.”
The Weld GOP’s current PR Committee consists of 1st Vice Chair Hunter Rivera (PR Committee Chair), Julie James (Vice Chair), Ryan Gonzales, Sherrie Peif, Erik Peter, and Lori Sander.
Patronage Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws state, “The Patronage Committee shall diligently recommend persons or firms for position to be filled upon the basis of qualifications for the office, accompanied by consideration of Republican affiliation and party work and assistance record. When the position relates to a precinct, certainly the precinct committee people recommendation should be noted and given weight, but the Party’s best interests are to be considered. The Chairman of the Finance Committee shall automatically be a member.”
The Wed GOP’s current Patronage Committee is vacant.
Candidates Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws state, “The Candidates Committee shall be ever alert to public attitudes, and potential candidates for public office. The personnel should be persons who have broad horizons and good balance, free of jealousy or bigotry. It shall be the duty of the Candidates Committee to interview all potential Republican candidates for public office and report to the Executive Committee. Strict confidentiality of interview details is required unless the Chairman of the candidates committee believes and a majority of the candidate committee agree that failure to disclose certain details would likely result in significant harm to the party.”
The Weld GOP’s current Candidates Committee consists of Will Sander (Chair), Steve Moreno, and Dan Woog.
Vacancy Committee
Article VII, Section 3 of our bylaws state, “The Central Committee Vacancy Committee shall consist of the Weld County Executive Committee. The county Chairman shall serve as chairman of the Vacancy Committee.”