What is a District Captain?
In Weld County, precincts are organized geographically into fifteen different districts. District Captains (DCs) work with the Precinct Committee People (PCPs) in their district to organize party activities and elect Republicans. It is the very fabric of the grassroots effort in Weld County!
- As a reminder, a precinct is the smallest political subdivision. It is your neighborhood and your neighbors. Weld’s fifteen District Captains work with the PCPs in their respective precincts to make an impact for Republican candidates and conservative ideas and values.
- The District Captain is elected at the County Central Committee meeting, held in February of odd-numbered years. If a District has a vacancy, the Weld Central Committee Vacancy Committee appoints a District Captain to fill the role.
- All fifteen Weld District Captains become part of the Weld County Executive Committee, where they have a voice and a vote in managing the activities of the Weld County GOP.
- District Captains work diligently with the County Officers to form a cohesive team focused on activating Weld’s grassroots and electing Republicans!
What does a District Captain do?
The District Captain has great impact because they work directly with PCPs in activating the grassroots efforts of the Weld GOP. Working with their PCPs, District Captains talk to neighbors and friends about candidates and issues in a way no glitzy advertising can ever accomplish. District Captains have a huge impact by…
Talking with Republicans
District Captains actively work with the Precinct Committee People in their district and talk with Republicans and unaffiliated voters. Known in the political world as “canvassing,” it really is just chatting with your neighbors about the issues important to them and presenting the Republican viewpoint about those issues.
Community Meetings
District Captains work actively with their Precinct Committee People to both attend and organize community meetings. Whether they are meetings to discuss issues important to your district or to introduce elected and party leaders, community and neighborhood meetings are an important way to connect people with the positive policies and ideas Republicans offer.
Canvassing & Registration Events
There’s that “canvassing” term again. District Captains work with their Precinct Committee People to systematically communicate with the registered voters in their neighborhood to determine the issues important to them and actively promote Republican policies, ideas, and candidates.
A focus for the Weld GOP is voter registration efforts. Weld County is the fastest-growing county in the state and it’s our goal to meet these new voters and encourage them to affiliate with the Weld County Republican Party. District Captains work with their PCPs to organize voter registration events.
Organize Meet & Greets
It’s vitally important that elected Republicans, Republican candidates, and GOP Party Leaders frequently meet with the grassroots of our party. District Captains work with Precinct Committee People to organize meet and greets that connect the Republicans in your neighborhood with the people who want to hear their opinions and earn their continued trust.
Social Events & Gatherings
District Captains actively work with the Precinct Committee People in their district to socialize with the Republicans in their neighborhoods. After all, this is the Grand Old Party, so let’s throw one! Precinct Pizza Parties, backyard barbecues, ice cream socials, and other fun events are the best way to connect with other Republicans, build relationships, and introduce them to our elected representatives and party leaders.
Work with Candidates
The primary goal of the Weld County GOP is to elect Republicans! District Captains work closely with Republican candidates to connect them with Precinct Committee People, neighborhood events, and activities. District Captains help candidates canvass their district and get out the vote.
Recruitment & Training
Our eye is constantly on training the next generation of party leaders and elected representatives. District Captains work with their Precinct Committee People to identify new people who want to be involved in the important work of electing Republicans and keeping Weld County and all of Colorado free!
How much time does this take?
There is always something to do, committees to serve on, and voters to connect with. You can be as busy as you want to be. Generally speaking, the District Captain who gives the party 2 – 3 hours a week will be a rockstar!
You’re not alone in this!
Best of all, you don’t have to tackle this alone. The Weld GOP will be there with the resources you need to make an impact!
Interested in being a District Captain?
Drop Weld County GOP Chairman Scott James a note – me@scottkjames.com – or call him directly at (970) 227-8386.